The Collective – Engaging the Fumbally Community

M‑CO worked with The Collective as they developed plans for a hotel and co-living development at the Fumbally site in Blackpitts, Dublin 8. Our role was to engage the local community in relation to the Collective development proposals and begin to develop a lasting relationship between the Collective and the local community.

Through our work, M‑CO gained a deeper understanding of the hopes and concerns that existed about the development and identified opportunities for community gain initiatives which could be implemented by The Collective in collaboration with the community. To achieve this, we first identified the key stakeholders within the community and then embarked on a stakeholder engagement process to capture feedback from individuals and groups alike. From our engagement we identified a set of emerging themes and opportunities. The themes identified ranged from concerns with the development for further consideration during its design, to opportunities for long‑term community benefit and outreach.